



2018-04-27 15:11:00





  have one's back to (或against) the wall 处于困境(或绝境),处境困难;(走投无路时)作困兽斗

  balls to the wall全速的(地);全力的(地);极端的(地)

  finger (或 handwriting, writing) on the wall 不祥之兆,灾难将降临的预兆

  bang (或heat, bash, run) one's head against a wall (或brick, stone)试图做不可能成功之事,白费气力,枉费心机

  stick one's spoon in the wall 死

  bow down in the house of Rimmon 为求一致而牺牲自己的原则;为保全面子而做明知故犯的事情(源出《圣经》列王纪下第5章第18节。里蒙(Rimmon)系统辖风暴的巴比伦之神)

  swear one's way through a stone wall 破口大骂,肆意谩骂

  bid adieu to one's paternal roof 拜别父亲独立生活

  raise the roof / hit the roof (或ceiling) = go through the roof大声吵闹;大发雷霆

  blow the roof in on 搞垮;使声名狼藉

  bring the roof down 弄坍房顶(用于对过分吵闹的埋怨)

  go through the roof勃然大怒,暴跳如雷;发火

  reach for the roof 举手投降

  ask for the floor 要求发言

  give the floor (会议主席等)让或同意(某人)发言

  have(或get,obtain)the floor 有发言权,获得发言的机会

  hold the floor 讲冗长的话;作令人讨厌的长篇发言;以冗长的发言控制会场

  cross the floor (辩论中)转而支持对方;(在立法机构)投对立党派的票;改变政治派系

  to wipe (up) the floor (或 ground) with someone 把某人打得大败;驳斥

  dust the floor with someone(随心所欲地)对付(或制服)某人;向某人耍威风

  kiss the floor 认输

  on the floor (电影)在拍摄中

  on the shop floor 下工厂,下车间;到工人中间

  have a good foot on the floor 善舞

  Better an empty house than an ill tenant. 宁可让房子空着,不愿招恶房客进住。

  like the side of a house (常指女子)非常肥胖

  on the house (由店家或团体组织等)免费招待;免费赠送

  set up house 开始有家,组织一个家庭;(与…)一起生活

  be master in one's own house 不受别人干涉,自己做主

  the pudding house 胃,肚

  be in (the) possession(控制权) of the House 在(议会)在辩论中取得发言权

  call of the House (议院投票前)查明出席人数

  house dinner俱乐部为会员及客人特备的饭菜

  eat someone out of house and home 把某人吃穷,把某人吃得倾家荡产

  house flag游艇的私人旗;(商船的)公司旗

  An Englishman's house is his castle. 英国人的家是其城堡,非请不得擅入

  (as)safe as a house (或houses) 十分安全

  be in (或enter)the House 当选为议员

  bring the house about one's ears 惹得全家反对,使一家人与自己为敌,自取灭亡

  carry the house =bring down the house满堂彩

  set the house on fire (听众、观众)欢呼鼓掌,沸腾

  pack the house (歌唱家、戏剧、乐队、球队等)吸引大批观众(或听众)

  fling(或throw)the house out of the windows 在家里大吵大闹;把一切弄得乱七八糟

  get on like a house on house一见如故,情投意合

  give someone a lot of house 给某人以很多关心(或注意、鼓励);十分关心某人

  go (all) round the house (说话等)兜圈子,拐弯抹角

  house of call常去的地方;(旅途中小憩的)小客栈;职业介绍所

  keep a good house 家中常备美味;待客周到

  like a house on fire迅速地;猛烈地;一举成名;极好地

  Name not a rope in his house that hanged himself. [谚语]在有人上吊的人家里,千万别谈起绳子;勿提别人忌讳的东西。

  throw stones at one's own house (或garden) 搬起石头砸自己的脚,自讨苦吃

  By the street of “Bye-and-bye” one arrives at the house of “Never”.拖延因循,一事无成。

  under house arrest 在软禁中


  A small leak will sink a great ship. 小洞不补,大洞吃苦。

  Shape up or ship out 表现不好就解雇

  A great ship asks deep waters. 大船走深水。

  jump ship未经允许而离船;脱逃;潜逃

  when one's ship comes home (或 comes in) 当发迹之时

  (as) welcome as snow in harvest /(as) welcome as a storm(或 as water in a leaking ship)不受欢迎的,不合时宜的;不得人心的

  in the cart 处于困境,处于失利地位;为难

  put (或set) the cart before the horse / he cart draws (或leads) the horse本末倒置,舍本逐末,前后颠倒,倒果为因

  drive a carriage and six through 使(法律等)无效


  face the music为错误行为承担后果,勇于承担后果,不躲避责任;倾听批评(或责备)(借喻演员首次演出时克服紧张情绪)

  make (beautiful) music (together) 和某人啪啪啪

  sling chin music 说大话

  feed one's face 吃饭(贬义)

  fix one's face (妇女)整理面部的化妆,整理面容;(委婉语)上厕所

  fly in the face(或teeth) of 公然违抗;诋毁;轻举妄动

  lift someone's face 为某人整容[参见 have one's face lifted]

  off the face of the earth =from the face of the earth / on (或upon) the face of 按照…的字面意义

  on the face of the earth 在人世间

  on the first face 乍看起来;在还没有深入研究之前

  open one's face 开口,说话

  put a bold face on 对某事装出满不在乎(或相当有信心)的样子

  put one's best face on 竭力装出令人愉快的样子

  run one's face 厚着脸皮向别人借债(或赊账)

  set one's face against 坚决抵抗,反对

  set one's face like flint 采取坚决的态度,下定决心

  set one's face to (或mouth) 信口开河,没有搞清楚全部事实就发表意见;因说漏嘴而泄密

  show a face 不示弱,表示公然反抗

  suck face百般地亲吻

  The face is the index of the heart (或mind).脸是心灵的镜子。

  turn one's face to the wall 不理睬,把脸转向墙

  wash its face(企业、工厂等)仅能勉强维持






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